Some bands offer free weekly instruction to beginners. The bands’ pages may announce practice times and provide contact info. The best way to start looking for an instructor is to search online for pipe bands in your area. A teacher can provide demonstration and feedback that will help you make better progress. Learning correctly the first time is important. Piping embellishments are quick and must be done precisely. Yes, we highly recommend working with a qualified instructor. An instructor, band, or online source for lessons.A quality Poly practice chanter (Long is best for adults).Besides time for practice, it just takes 3 key things to start learning the bagpipes. You’ll always use a practice chanter for basic practice and learning new tunes, so it’s a lasting investment. The practice chanter is a basic instrument with a single reed. It’s surprisingly easy to start learning the bagpipes! All you need is a practice chanter, a book, and a teacher. Engaging the mind in these ways is a great workout! Getting Started on the Bagpipes Pipers also memorize much of their music. Piping requires a lot of coordination and fingerwork. Learning a new instrument is believed to be good for your brain, and learning the bagpipes is no exception. Having the network and cameraderie of friends is just a band practice away, when you play the pipes. When you move, go to college, retire or travel, there’s bound to be a pipe band nearby. There are pipe bands and piping events in towns large and small, across the United States–and around the world. You’ll discover the piping community is welcoming and widespread. Starting the bagpipes brings you into a new community.

“I feel like a superhero when I play my bagpipes” Gabrielle, Age 15 Connection Piping also offers competitive opportunities for bands and solo pipers at all levels and ages, chances to challenge yourself, meet other players, and earn recognition for progress. And it is rewarding for them when the skills turns into a weekend job or into scholarship funds.

Young people (and their parents) often remark on this benefit. The bagpipe is a unique instrument…and a loud one! Playing the bagpipes boosts confidence for many people, especially as they improve. Whatever your inspiration, there are lots of benefits to learning to play the bagpipes. You’re here, so you already have a great reason to start learning the bagpipes! Maybe you love the sound of pipes, heard pipes played at a meaningful moment, or want to honor your heritage.