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".this is an enthralling story that will have middle grade readers turning the page to find out what risky situations Matt and Sarah will place themselves in next. Can they prevent a blunder by the SOE-Churchill’s spy organization-that will cost so many lives? And is it worth it, when interfering will force Matt to choose between the two most important things in his life? Meddling = Courage + Sacrifice. with what they know of the future, the time travellers will be tempted to meddle again. Matt and Sarah receive the surprise of their lives when they meet the legendary Anne Frank. They encounter courageous pilots, determined spies, gallant members of the Dutch resistance, and ordinary heroes. When they land in the war-torn country, they’re immediately caught up in a world of high intrigue and dangerous covert operations.

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Even though he’s been forbidden to use the multiverse time machine, he drags his best friend, Sarah, along with him on another leap back in time. When thirteen-year-old Matt Barnes finds out his time-travelling father is trapped in occupied Holland during World War II, there’s only one thing he can do. One of Canada’s top scientists has discovered the secret to time travel. FitzGerald McCurdy, author of the bestselling Serpent’s Egg Trilogy and The Mole Wars * Time Meddlers is Recommended in The Children’s Literature Review and Canadian Teacher Magazine This book will keep you reading way past your bedtime. Includes a glossary of Native tribes and terms, and a set of questions for reading groups." – Children's Literature “Better stock up on batteries for your flashlights, kids. The characters are very real, and the situations make the book quite a page turner. Should they meddle with time? "Combining time travel technology, history and mystery, Time Meddlers is an enthralling science fiction story that transports readers from present day Ottawa back in time to the 1600s.Suspense, humour and memorable characters make this exciting adventure a page turner." –Diana Mumford, Canadian Teacher Magazine "Recommended. But eventually they’ll have to make a decision that might change the world as we know it.

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In this strange New World, they must contend with wild animals and somehow survive a war between the Algonquin and Iroquois nations. They uncover an unusual device in a secret laboratory-a device that throws them far from the modern city of Ottawa into the forest-matted land of the 1600’s. Sarah becomes swept up in Matt Barnes’s life as she helps him search for his father. A powerful new technology that could be behind Dr. Did she really see it, or was it a figment of her imagination? The boy? Matt Barnes, son of the world-famous physicist, Dr. On the first day of school, in a new city, Sarah Sachs experiences the shock of her life when she sees a car drive right through a strange boy. One of Canada's top scientists has discovered the secret to time travel. Anyone of any age can love these books.” ─Unorthodox Mama Kidlit Reviews * Time Meddlers is Recommended in The Children’s Literature Review and Canadian Teacher Magazine Which is nice, even as an adult I never found the story to be predictable. Their growth moves right along with the story, yet not always doing things you expect. “Time Meddlers on the Nile is an entertaining blend of historical fiction and science fiction that will appeal to readers of both genres” ─Kerri Hutchinson, CM Magazine “I really love this series. Warning: You must have a strong stomach to read this book, as it is sprinkled with the occasional mummified remains. If they don't, it could mean the end of time as we know it, or a never-ending loop of time. They must puzzle out the moment and event where Matt's father or his arch nemesis, Nadine, interfered with history.

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What can they do before they, themselves, are erased? Somewhere along the Nile the two teens must prevent the ultimate meddling during the time of Nubian pharaohs and princes, palaces and temples to rival the ancient Egyptians and fearsome desert raiders. Thirteen-year-old Matt Barnes and Sarah Sachs, while attempting to rescue Matt's father from multiple universes, face an even more challenging obstacle: the erasure of their own timeline.

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