If the file system bundle in your MacFUSE installation doesn't have a Support subdirectory, that means you have an incredibly ancient version of MacFUSE.
To uninstall MacFUSE on Mac OS X 10.5.x and above, you would run: sudo /Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Support/uninstall-macfuse-core.sh

The bundle itself resides in /System/Library/Filesystems/ on Mac OS X 10.4.x and in /Library/Filesystems/ on Mac OS X 10.5.x.įor example, to uninstall MacFUSE on Mac OS X 10.4.x, you would run the following command in the Terminal: sudo /System/Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Support/uninstall-macfuse-core.sh Run the uninstall-macfuse-core.sh script that resides in the Support subdirectory of the MacFUSE file system bundle. If you have an older version of MacFUSE, you can uninstall as follows. Note that an official (correct) MacFUSE installation will have a preference pane if you have MacFUSE 2.0 or later installed. To remove it, you should uncheck the button before you remove the prefpane as described above. Proceed with the installation by following the on-screen instructions. Only if you had the "Show Beta Versions" button checked in the MacFUSE prefpane, you'll have a property list (plist) file remaining at this point: /Library/Preferences/. In the mounted disk image, double-click the Install macFUSE file to launch the installer. If you do wish to remove it, you do it just like how you would remove any other non-Apple preference pane: In System Preferences, control-click (right-click) on the MacFUSE icon and you will see "Remove.

You can keep the MacFUSE preference pane around should you decide to install MacFUSE again in the future. This will uninstall all MacFUSE components except the preference pane itself. Launch the Mac OS X System Preferences application and go to the MacFUSE preference pane.